Jay Peak Stateside Lodge
Jay, VT
86,000 SF Hotel and Day Lodge
Wiemann Lamphere Architects (WLA) was hired to replace the existing Stateside Chalet with a new 86,000 square foot ski-in, ski-out hotel and day lodge. The new building includes 85 simple but tasteful rooms, a 120-seat restaurant, a ski and board rental shop, a retail gear shop, a bar and a cafeteria, as well as other support spaces for ski patrol and ski school use.
The project went from initial concept design to building occupancy in a short 13 month timeframe. To achieve the short construction schedule, the hotel portion of the project was factory built to custom specifications and delivered on site with much of the room finishes nearly complete.
“The opening of the Stateside lodge is a remarkable accomplishment given the time that was afforded to tear down the old building and get this one up. The site is perfect and the finished product will work so well this winter. I’m very proud of the outcome and most of all PROUD of the effort this team has put into getting it done on time and in such a professional manner.”
- Bill Stenger, Jay Peak Resort President